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10 Strong reasons to have a home inspection before buying

win home inspection

Do you want to buy a property and you are not 100% sure it is what it appears to be? Then, don’t lose more precious time and have a home inspection to give you official reports about it, before you put your money at risk. Now it’s not the place or time to get stingy about this issue!

But how does exactly a home inspection help you as a prospective buyer? Well, in short, it reveals some of the most important details you need to understand about the place that you’ll be calling ‘home’, in a short amount of time.

Think of it this way – it’s better to be safe than sorry!

Home inspection checklist!

When things begin to overpass you, then you surely need to get some help. You don’t have neither the experience nor the eyes to see more than the aspect of the property, how some say – only the cover. However, when making such an important investment you need an official eye over the matter. Don’t get to the point when things already go crazy! Home inspections should be taken seriously from the first moments you plan to purchase a house!

If you still don’t believe in the benefits of having a home inspection, here are some strong reasons to have one right now!home inspection checklist

Structural problems are probably part of the worst case scenario for you. So, why facing a risk that may convert your dream home into a real financial disaster? A proper home inspection will keep you away from serious troubles.

Don’t judge a book by its cover! There is more, details count here an extra penny, if you know what I mean… A home inspection will point out everything you need to know to make the safest decision for you and your budget!

You wouldn’t want to buy a property with hidden problems, would you? Illegal property additions or unapproved constructions will just add up to a long list of serious headaches.

The purchase of a property is a serious business, so the best thing you could do is to get a team of professionals to guide you through this stressful situation: a real estate agent, a lawyer and a home inspector too. With them by your side, you can be sure you’ll save a serious amount of money – unknown troubles to the average buyer can result in a rather costly concern!

Don’t put your health or your family’s life in danger. Buying a new property includes a lot of risks that your newbie eyes may not notice. Radon, carbon monoxide, mold or faulty wirings are just some of the possible awful situations!

Think about it, it’s better to pay a few hundred dollars now, than to regret it later on. Think for instance at respiratory problems or allergies. Need I say more?

Moreover, you can also have a huge opportunity to bargain the price of the house if there are problems that were not put forward by the former owner. The issues that arise may be both a way to negotiate, but as well a way to find your peace of mind. Knowing that everything is OK with the property that you are willing to pay for, will have a huge effect on your stress level, and not only.

Hidden problems can have a series of causes, from defective materials, to incomplete or incorrect work, to even poorer workmanship! And the negative effects are even more disastrous!

To continue, with a home inspection you can also get an estimation of how long the current systems of the property will last, and here we are talking about plumbing, heating, or even cooling. Thus, you’ll know when you’ll have to invest once more in the property.

A home inspection is anything but a one step process! The more you know, the better the chances to make the best decision for you and your family. See this process as a genuine opportunity for you to find out the truth behind the investment you are about to make.

Don’t take your decision only based on the aspect of the property or on its location. Go even further and see if the property is correctly priced and built. You need to make sure that over the years you’ll not stumble upon unexpected expenses that will squeeze your budget.

Getting an official inspection may save you thousands of dollars revealing deep-rooted problems. Don’t take risks, there are so many available opportunities out there!

One of the most delicate surprises that no owner wants to hear about are pest or insect infestations. The trouble, the stress or the things you have to do to get them out of your property are more than some are willing to take.

Nests, termites in the walls or insects in the attic may be there and you wouldn’t even know without a proper home inspection. Don’t get in love with a property just because ‘it looks OK’, it may turn out to be the unlucky ticket you don’t want in your life!

Knowledge is power here! Avoid being taken by surprise by unsolved matters left by the ex-owner; choose to know! There are many the times when enthusiastic buyers get swept up in the excitement of buying a new property and forget about the multiple risks they are facing. Don’t make the same mistake!

Hint: Extra costs and repairs may be your strong reasons to negotiate the asking price!

Even though, at the beginning you might be thinking that a home inspection is just another cost among the other hundreds of dollars in additional expenses, well things are not quite like this! Instead, you can be sure that what you see is reality and, more than that, you will be ready for future costs too!

The point is – you need to make your decision being aware of the problems of the house; it’s your biggest investment!

And last but not least, you’ll have your final opportunity to draw back from the deal if something is not right… Why live with the doubts when you can solve the problem from the early beginning?

Get an idea of what will be the costs of repairing the existing defects and see if it is really worth the trouble. Nobody thinks about the minor problems until they become big ones! Do you want the same faith?

All things taken into consideration, there are many the times when a home inspection can save you from a lot of troubles. In other words, without a home inspection you should have back-up money for possible extra-expenses, time for repairs and also nerves of steel!

So, even though something may put an end to the deal you already see to be successful, make sure you will not be hit with major repair bills after moving in. The only solution? Have a home inspection before you get to buy a property!

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