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How to Choose the Perfect Color – the Feng Shui Way

Even if it may seem like a totally irrelevant decision, choosing the color for your room is actually very important. If you know the rules and meanings of different ones, you will find it way easier to create yourself the perfect surroundings where you will enjoy yourself. First, you adjust the room color to the quality of light and surroundings, and later you adjust your furniture and homewares to these colors. Although, there are some things that need to be cleared here.

First of all, Feng Shui is a study which examines the influence environment has on everything that is on earth. Human beings are very influenced by the environment they live in, especially in psychological terms – it affects all decisions, from the simple act of eating, to shopping or even music choices. Color, on the other hand, is interpreted through the properties of an object, but it is not inseparable from that object. Different surfaces reflect and absorb different colors. Basically, what we see are just reflected colors. Color is not a Feng Shui, but still, colors really do affect our emotions and decisions. Therefore, even though it is a popular opinion that color is a Feng shui study, it is just a packaging on objects that we perceive, but due to all that popularity, we would like to share with you how colors can impact our daily lives from our perspectives. This color guide is going to help you find the main color scheme in order to achieve comfort, happiness and good energy flow.

Red is for desire

Color red carries the energy of fire which has always been a symbol of a destructive, yet creative energy. Red symbolizes love, joy, excitement and passion. It awakens the sexual desire and tickles our inner senses. It is so strong that even a simple red pillow can immediately add that special spark to your space.

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Become more social with orange

Yes, it may seem loud and ardent, but this is totally normal since it is the “socialite” of colors. Orange creates dynamic energy and expresses movement. Whether you put it on the entire wall or just as an accent, it helps setting a high energy level and promotes lively conversations.

Yellow and gold stimulate health

They represent so much more than just the sun. Both yellow and gold signify power and stimulate health, fertility and elevate mental awareness. These colors wake your room like the morning sun and give that cozy and welcoming feeling. Your choices are limitless. You can use a hot sunflower or a pale butter yellow – it will add sun to any room of your home.

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White is for new beginning

Cleanliness, innocence, fresh start. These vibes make white the perfect choice if you want to sell your house. If you, on the other hand, want some texture, you might consider mixing it with some creams, because an all-white spaces may seem too sharp and strict.

Blue is for calmness and concentration

Despite the fact that there are literally hundreds of shades of this color, which may add a different appearance to the room, the color blue – regardless of the shade – gives you a sense of concentration, cogitation and clarity.

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Prosper with purple

We like to refer to it as a color of royalty, while shades of lavender or purple-gray give elegant vibe. The best would be to use it in the wealth area of your house since it represents prosperity and glamour.

All-purpose green

It signifies growth, balance and abundance. It is very nourishing for your health and mind, and brings healing Feng Shui vibrations from nature. To maximize the Feng Shui effects, use several different shades of green at once. Why? Well, as you know it symbolizes nature, and out in nature you see hundreds of green shades depending on the level of saturation. The experts from Power of Invisible say that the best thing would be to have at least three different shades of green in one room.

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Pink is for love

Yes, it does bring you love, although it is much more versatile than you may think. A pale pink can come as a calming tone for any part of your home, but be careful with it, since you can become too “yin” or feminine, the experts say.

Now that you know all the information about the colors you need, let’s get to the rooms.

Bedrooms & Bathrooms

The best option for bedrooms is to use pastel earth and flesh tones. Avoid bright and fiery colors as well as dark ones like brown, grey, black etc. The bedroom is the place where you sleep and spend time when you need to run away from the outside world and noise. Bright colors are too active, while dark ones are too depressive. Children’s rooms cannot be purple or pink, since these colors are too fiery and your children won’t feel comfortable sleeping there during the night.

In bathrooms you can use pastels, whites and earth tones. Avoid blue, grey, black, navy, dark brown and green. The bathroom has enough water elements and you don’t have to overdo that with more blue or other watery colors.

Image source: pixabay

Kitchens & Dining Rooms

Use earth tones and brighter colors for kitchen, but avoid red, navy, black, blue, dark green or dark brown. Have in mind that kitchens are supposed to be happy and active places, but since they already have a lot of water and fire elements which are well balanced, you have to be super careful since you wouldn’t want to disturb that balance.

Sage greens, pastels or earth tones are perfect for dining rooms, plus they symbolize groundedness and improve your digestion. Avoid reds (since they stimulate everything – including appetite), as well as black, navy, dark green or dark brown which are too watery.

For living room and family rooms goes the same as for bedrooms and dining rooms. You want to feel peaceful and cozy here.

Image source: pixabay

Exercise rooms, laundry rooms, study rooms etc.

Since in these rooms you want to stimulate activeness and speed, they can be painted in brighter colors. Choose your favorite color and enjoy. You can even add some murals to make them unique.

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One last quick tip for the end: TONE IT DOWN! You should know that the color you pick from the swatches will not look the same on your walls – it will be a lot darker. If you choose one or two lighter tones than that one, it will be closer to the actual color you want. And also, try using non-toxic paints; go green whenever you can.

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