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Tips for reducing stress when moving somewhere new

Packing, sorting, moving, unpacking, organizing… If these five words have been on your to-do list lately, you are most likely moving house! Relocating is exciting, but it also comes with a lot of stress. That is why we have created a list of tips to reduce stress during this momentous time in your life and leave you feeling excited for this new chapter instead of distraught with anxiety.

Write it down

Prioritize your to-do list

One of the best ways to stay on top of things is to write them down. Whether it’s on paper or through an app on your phone, keep a list of everything that needs to get done. Prioritize your list to keep deadlines, especially when paying essential bills, in order and top of mind. If you are a new homeowner, the bills, upkeep, appointments, and paperwork associated with buying and owning a home are enough to make your head spin. So be sure to utilize a priority list to take some of the guesswork out of it and plan your days accordingly.

Curate a packing list

It may also be helpful to curate a packing list. Start by numbering boxes and documenting which items are placed in each box. For example, mark a box as #1, and in your phone, list every kitchen dish or utensil under the #1 column as you place it in the box. This will keep track of items and know their whereabouts when unpacking. This process also takes the worry out of finding specific things if you need to live out of boxes for a while. Organization is key when limiting the stress of moving, so give this a try and avoid misplacing your favorite items in the shuffle.

Explore your new surroundings

Explore your town

A major stressor of moving is living somewhere new. Whether you are relocating somewhere local or making a long-distance move, there’s an adjustment period. Use this time to explore your new surroundings. Go for a walk after or before work, taking a different route each day for a fresh perspective. Try new restaurants once a week to learn the local cuisine, and if moving locally, try somewhere new instead of your usual picks. Exploring your surroundings is exciting and can even lead to meeting new friends in your area who can show you around. It’s scary to move somewhere new, but by putting yourself out there and connecting with the locals, you’ll create the perfect little support system as you enter this new chapter.

Make your house a home

It takes a while to adjust to a new environment as well. By making your new space your own, it’ll feel more like home—research how to make affordable renovations before taking on new projects and start with the small stuff. Add fresh paint on the walls or update light fixtures to give your new home a look that’s all you. Hang your favorite artwork and make your space feel cozy with familiar furniture pieces. All of these minor adjustments can take an unfamiliar home and turn it into a space that reflects you. Feeling comfortable in your new area will work wonders to lower stress and anxiety and keep you busy with fun projects as you navigate being a new homeowner.

Make time for you

Take care of your health

Taking care of your mental and physical health is key to remaining stress-free while moving. Buying a home can lead to financial stress and heightened fear of change. This is entirely normal, but it can feel different for everyone! If you start to find that daily self-care rituals aren’t cutting it, it may be time to reach out for help. Online counseling resources or in-person therapy are great options to talk through your feelings as you enter this new chapter of your life. You’ll have a lot on your plate, so sharing it with someone who can give you expert advice as you navigate through it can make a huge difference in how you feel mentally.

When it comes to your physical health, make sure you get enough rest and eat nutritious meals. It can be easy to reach for those quick freezer meals or sacrifice sleep for unpacking just one more box… but your energy and well-being will diminish as a result. Set boundaries and establish a bedtime routine to ensure you get enough sleep. Don’t forget about meal prep to make dinner-time more manageable. Finding shortcuts doesn’t have to be bad for your health, so try these tips to feel your best as you move into your new space.

Make time for friends and hobbies

When moving somewhere new, it can be easy to get wrapped up in the endless unpacking and need to settle, but this can lead to burnout. Be sure to make time for yourself:

Do what makes you happy to relieve stress from the chaos of moving, and be sure to instill it in your routine.

In conclusion

Buying a home is a significant step in life, but it comes with its fair share of stressful moments. We hope these tips will make the transition that easier for you and make your home an exciting adventure free from worry and anxiety!

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