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To renovate or to sell a house: that is the question

Having an ancestral, sought-after real estate property, can entangle most wires of one’s head in deciding whether to sell the house or renovate.

The most tedious part about owning an ancestral home is maintaining it. Since it’s old and most of the furniture requires fixing, a lot of energy goes into improving the house and making it worth living. This is the main reason why most people are reluctant to live there.  Another reason for it is that the traditional house could be on the outskirts of the city or in a remote area, making it difficult for you to commute to the workplace.

Factors to consider

1. What is cheaper?

Inspect the house thoroughly and make a list of all the items and parts that require fixing. For instance, your kitchen might need a new shiplap installation. If that’s the case, you will need to research shiplap wall ideas and check how much it would cost to install a new one. If it is the whole house, mention the tentative cost that would go into fixing it. Once you’re done with calculating the cost of renovation, evaluate the price of the home. If the amount that shall go into renovating the house and the amount that would go into moving into a new one match, go with the latter. A new place will be more durable and fresher than the old one.

2. Selling time:

Before you sell the house, seek the help of a professional to evaluate and project its future price. Many times, people sell their houses at lower rates, and just some years later, the cost of the property surges manifolds due to the demand for the land. The government might require the land for building tracks or some other purposes. It always pays you a handsome amount in return for the property.

3. Moving:

List the pros and cons involved in moving to a new place. The pros are a unique and better-built house, a fresh start, and not having to worry about renovations. The cons include getting along with a new neighborhood and the fears of packing and moving. If you have finally decided to move, make sure you invest in a property that will give you higher returns in the future and is worth your money. It should be in a safe location and away from pollution.

4. Build a custom house:

A custom home means you get to make all your dreams come true. With a new house, anything is possible! You can choose from different features such as cabinets and countertops or fixtures for the bathroom, including marble options and other desired choices you have in mind! A custom-designed environment will allow you more freedom when thinking about design preferences like adding pets’ suites or a dedicated craft room space that would accommodate any hobbyist’s needs. Additionally, newer houses are healthier than older ones because they meet higher standards of energy efficiency! So, another way to avoid renovations is to build a house with the help of a custom home builder!

5. Renovation:

Renovating could change the vibe of a house completely. Just by spending a few thousand dollars, one could have their property renewed. You won’t have to pay extra money on buying a new house if you have one and can make it brand new. You need to fix the damages that the house may have suffered in the meantime.


Whether to sell an old house or renovate it is a big dilemma many people go through. Listen to yourself and do what makes you happy. If you are emotionally connected to your ancestral house, selling it wouldn’t be the smartest thing to do. But if the renovation is pricier than moving into a new house, then it’s not worth your time and money. Evaluate the cost of the house, list the pros and cons, and then decide. On the other hand, even if you want to sell your old home, consider investing some money into a renovation. It could increase the cost of the house manifold.

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