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Essential moving tips that everyone should know!

Changing homes is extremely stressful, especially because you have to pack and then carry all your belongings from one place to another… It may not be the best fun you’ve ever had, but at least you can make it memorable! For this to happen, you surely need to take baby steps and have a great attention to details!

So, you need to move and you’re excited, until you realize the huge amount of things you have to pack! But don’t worry, you can hit two birds with just one stone – make it fun and effective too!

Even though planning this action with some months in advance may be time-consuming at a first glance, it will get to be less stressful and simpler if you don’t rush! By following these rules your stress level will decrease drastically! So, just enjoy your move!

Moving tips. Helpful checklist!

Main rule: Don’t take with you the things that you don’t need! Now it is the perfect time for you to have a mass declutter. Take advantage and get rid of the things that you don’t use! They’ll just occupy space in your new home as they did until the present moment, in your old one!

Here are some tips for you:

After a tiring and stressful period, when you have probably sold your old house, now the time for you to move has finally come! Even though the stress is not over yet, don’t get things too dramatic – there is a way for you to keep everything under control and the safest way is to plan ahead! Get the clear picture of the entire process, and decide when and how you should manage this situation!

A fact is certain – packing up your entire life and your possessions will not be something that you’ll manage to do in one single day, therefore you need to arm yourself with a lot of patience! You’ll certainly need it!

Hint: Don’t panic!

More than ever now it is the perfect time for you to show your organizational skills! Write down everything that you have to do and where you put every object. The boxes need to be labeled both with their content but as well with colors assigned for each and every room. Manage your inventory very carefully, you’ll thank yourself later on!

The thrills or frustrations of this whole situation may be disturbing to you, but stay focused! This is what you need now! Staying organized will save you time later on!

Hint: Don’t rush, take it all slow or you’ll end up mixing everything up!

Planning in advance requires getting boxes of all sizes and shapes! Keep in mind that lighter objects should always be placed on top! What is more, you should also make sure you won’t leave empty spaces inside the box because objects will slide down and you’ll probably have a huge surprise when you’ll start unpacking!

Hint: Shake your boxes to see if any objects are misplaced and be careful not to make the boxes too heavy to lift either!

Colors may help you stay organized. Use a different color for every room; markers will be of great help! This way the unpacking process will become much more bearable and simpler too!

Hint: Keep it all visually appealing; you need to remember this entire experience as a step forward for you! Do everything when you are relaxed and fresh!

Maybe the time to do a good deed has come. You’ll probably stumble upon things you have completely forgotten about, so why not donate them all? You clearly don’t need them. Take your move as a fresh start and don’t bring useless things with you. You’ll just end up throwing them instead of reusing them. No junk, please! Take a big breath and see which objects are pointless to you!

Hint: Don’t throw away things you don’t use anymore, donate them! Others may be in great need of those particular items!

Hygiene is important and taking into account that you have to pack everything up, why not cleaning them first? You won’t want to get dust and dirt into your new home. Take it all step by step and make it all right from the early beginning. Think about it – one way or another at a certain point you’ll have to clean up your things so why not now? Chances are you’ll be too tired later on to clean everything!

Hint: A microfiber cloth is highly recommended!

You’ll need to fill up every box and wrap every object for protection. Therefore, try to purchase in advance enough packing paper!

Hint: When the time for unpacking comes, unpack only by room! Your entire effort to keep it all organized will become useless if you create chaos now!

When you’ll get to your new place, you’ll firstly need certain objects so make sure you have them all together in a box at a close reach! You wouldn’t want to search for scissors or papers and not find any one of them!

What should you consider? For instance, think about – paper towels, phone chargers, trash bags or toilet paper!

Hint: Make a list with other objects and make sure you have them all in one single place!

Before getting all your stuff in, try to clean up the house. Once you have the furniture in, it will much more difficult to Q-tip everything! This will save you a lot of trouble!

Hint: Take at least one week to make sure the house is clean and hygienic before bringing in your stuff! You’re looking for a fresh start, aren’t you? Then, make it look fresh!

Depending on the type of objects you are carrying, pay attention to how you place them! For instance, your plates should be placed vertically! Why? There are less chances they’ll break under pressure!

Hint: Take some time and think about every object you intend to transport, thus you’ll figure out the right place and a way to bring it ‘safe and sound’!

Don’t forget to change your correspondence address with at least two weeks prior to the day you move! This way you’ll be sure no personal papers will get into the hands of the wrong people! Check the utilities you’re responsible for and make sure every important person knows how to reach you!

Hint: Don’t forget to make the switch from time!

You are surely not going to be able to do everything all by yourself. Some may call their friends while others may call for professional help. There is always a way for whatever budget you may have, however you may be sure an expert will always be of much more help for you!

Hint: If you choose to do it all by yourself, you’ll need to have nerves of steel and a lot of patience. This entire experience is extremely stressful!

In order to stay organized you surely need first of all to sort all your stuff! You clearly don’t need chaos now because the stakes are high and there are a lot of things going on. Try to be in control of everything and at all times, this way you’ll have a peaceful and exciting move!

Hint: The more time you dedicate to organizing your things, the easier it will be when you unpack!

From another point of view specialists utterly suggest you need to separate your valuables in order not to regret it later on. Among all the things you have to carry, there is enough space for mistakes to happen, this is why it is better to take precautionary measures!

 Hint: Try to stay organized and set your priorities. Your valuables and important papers should always be with you!

Knowing what things need to be done and most importantly when, will save you from a lot of painful headaches! Remember: you shouldn’t let everything on the last day! You’ll panic and you’ll not be able to face up the stress!

When the details of such an important event tend to overwhelm you, take a break! You need to relax and think clearly – a bit of organization will only help you in moments like this one!

All in all, moving may become a really great experience if you know how to handle things! Don’t hurry, this is clearly not the time for this! Take it all step by step and just enjoy!

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