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Home for sale: Which is the best season to sell?

house for sale

While spring is undoubtedly the busiest season for the housing market, you never know when a serious buyer will be interested in purchasing your property. Events such as a new job opportunity or the birth of a new member can happen all year round, so there is no specific season when people start their search for a new property. Therefore, don’t wait until next spring to put your property on the market; don’t believe that myth too! Turn the odds in your own favor by seizing the advantages of every season.

If you’re one of the millions of Americans hoping to sell this year, now it’s the time to start planning your next move. Get a real estate agent to support you and study together the benefits of selling in each season; only afterwards make your final decision. The type of the property you want to sell will give you a winning clue of the best season to market it; take for instance a lake house – it has more chances to be sold during the summer months, for instance!

Home for sale! How-to?

Even though there’s a common saying that timing is everything when talking about real estate, things are different now. There are no longer dead zones in today’s real estate market, people search for homes 365 days a year. Moreover, buyers are no longer timing to purchase in a certain season, so there is a lot of action going on a daily basis.

It’s true, in certain seasons it can be harder to sell than in others, however, if you have a great real estate agent to help you speculate the benefits of each time of the year, then you’re just a lucky seller. So, let us take every season and discuss the main advantages you can use to find yourself a buyer without delay!

How to sell your property faster, depending on the season!

House sales happen all year round, so stop saying that you’ve ‘missed the boat’! Here are some benefits you can use in your own advantage, irrespective of the month of the year.

Advantages to sell in the spring

home for sale springThere is a lot to talk about when dealing with the main advantages of selling in the spring; daylight is just one of them. Buyers have more time to visit a property and view it properly. So, whip your yard into shape and put your home in top condition.

The warm weather gets buyers out of their homes and puts them on the hunt. Now it’s the perfect time to visit properties. Hint – buyers can see the property as it is, not being held back by too much snow or by photos taken during previous years.

If you are trying to sell your home and it happens to be spring, then you couldn’t be happier. It’s the season when most buyers search for homes, so you’ll probably sell yours fast. Spring and summer are told to be the favorite months to buy or sell, especially due to the weather conditions.

Spring can actually get your job done if you manage to pull its advantages inside the house. Otherwise said, it would be a great idea to bring spring aromas inside to add to the appeal of the house: fresh and season flowers are a must.

Buyers never stop looking for new properties and this happens especially in spring. And guess what – more buyers mean more chances to sell your property fast and for top dollars. Spring cleaning is the answer!

Advantages to sell in the summer

Get advantage of the amazing weather conditions outside and organize your Open House or photo shoot during one of these days. Get refreshments for your guests and set an optimal temperature inside the house (the cooling systems play a vital role here). Your property will wait no longer for a new owner this summer if you do it the right way.

Spring and summer – perfect seasons for real estate transactions. Buyers still have time to settle down before school starts. It’s all about supply and demand, so prepare your house for receiving new guests, because there is a lot of demand out there.

Make sure your lawns are well watered and always green; this will certainly add to the curb appeal of the property. Summer is the time when buyers tend to focus more on the outdoor space. Hint: A pool may be a huge selling point, so don’t forget to make it one of the stars of the property!

Buyers now have the chance to see the property as it is and not request photos taken earlier that year. So, bring out its own character and uniqueness. Its strong points should be seen ‘from miles away’.

This is the perfect season for photos, especially outdoor ones. Who wouldn’t want to have high quality photos that emphasize on the beauty of the property?

Advantages to sell in autumn

There are many the situations when people say: ‘Selling in autumn is like selling in the spring, but without the fierce competition’, because the market seems to drop in demand! So, what are you waiting for – put your property on the market! It has high chances to find a serious buyer even if it’s mid-autumn. Here we’re not talking anymore about off season selling because there is no such thing in real estate anymore.

Less competition means more chances to sell! Get a fall garden to impress your buyers from the beginning and bring in some of the autumn décor inside the house too: a pumpkin or some colorful leaves are just some of the ideas. More than that, have photos of your home at a reaching distance, buyers might be interested to see your property in other seasons too.

The buyers that are looking to purchase a place in autumn are serious buyers. Thus, you can be sure you will not waste more valuable time on buyers just interested to visit your place, but instead you’ll be facing eager buyers! Hurray!

Selling in autumn is different from selling in summer, and it’s obvious why. Thus, consult your agent on the best approach you should have! Keep in mind – you still have to take care of your lawn, the outdoor space is still important, you know?

Autumn is also a great season for buyers to purchase, taking into account that winter is due to come. Thus, statistics point out that buyers who haven’t managed to find a property during the summer are more eager to buy one fast and what’s most important – now!

No, not at all, autumn can also be a perfect time for real estate transactions. There is no such thing as a perfect season for everyone. Therefore, be sure you’ll find plenty of buyers out there even during the autumn months. Make sure you pre-heat the property before visitors come; create that cozy and homely environment everyone is looking to get.

Advantages to sell in winter

Even though the majority of people points out that spring is the most advantageous time of the year to list your property, there are as well a number of real advantages to selling during the cooler months. Let’s take a look!

If autumn was thought to be a great month to advertise your property taking into account the low number of other similar available properties on the market, then guess what, here is another great news for you – during winter months there is even less competition for your property. Take advantage and put your house on the market now, you never know when a prospective buyer wants to see it.

Winter can offer you even more pleasant surprises than you can anticipate – you can have the chance to sell your property for more money than you could have obtained during other top selling months. Why is that? Well, those buyers who are still looking for properties during the wintertime are determined buyers with fewer options. Therefore, there will be less space for negotiation.

The smell of baking cookies and a roaring fireplace will add to your property’s value. Moreover, the cozy vibe of the holiday season will be the triggering point for many prospective buyers out there.

Generally speaking, both buyers and sellers have more spare time during November and December due to the holidays. This also means more time for viewings too. Light some candles, clear the windows and make your property look comfortable and homely. This is the moment when you can wow any house hunters out there. Hint: make sure you clear the snow and ice away from the walkways and stairs, you wouldn’t want any accidents to happen during an Open House.

All in all, even though spring is said to be the perfect season to sell, the other three also have some great positives that can be leveraged. So, get over that all too common selling myth that spring is the perfect moment to sell your property and start planning whenever you want to sell.

It is undoubtedly true that most buyers want to move during the spring or summer months, however autumn and winter have their own advantages that compensate.

Depending on the type of the property you intend to sell, choose your season too. Put in balance everything and only afterwards make your decision! Happy selling!

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