Water is an essential element of our lives and we need plenty of it each day. However, we can never know what our home water contains and if it’s actually safe for drinking. In order to provide clean drinking water for you and your family and avoid taking in any pollutants and chemicals, you should consider finding the right water treatment system for your home. Here are some tips that will help you manage this issue.
Water quality problem
If you suspect that there is a problem with your drinking water, you should get it tested as soon as possible. Look for a local state-certified laboratory for water testing and deliver a few samples of your water (or as many as they require). It might happen that your water is just fine, but it might also fail the test. If it does fail a primary health-based standard, meaning it contains bacteria or lead, you should take the necessary precautions to purify it because your health might be at stake. However, there are secondary pollutants, such as manganese or iron, which do not put your health at risk. Nevertheless, the water could use purification in order to reduce odors, tastes, and stains such pollutants cause.
Consult with the experts
Once you receive test results from the laboratory, the figures might be unclear to you. In order to know for sure in which condition your drinking water is, you should consult an expert. Make sure that the expert is unbiased. They will help you interpret the results and teach you how to fix any water quality issues in your home.
Research all the options
Carbon filters
Once you have figured out the water quality issues, you can start looking for the right solution. However, there are several water treatment options and no filters or solutions will remove all toxins and pollutants. That’s why you need to match the solution to the problem. You can opt for carbon filters which can be installed on your pitchers, faucets, under the sink or on the whole water system of your home. Carbon in these filters absorbs pollutants such as lead, chlorine byproducts, radon, pesticides and other similar pollutants and purifies water, making it safe for drinking.
Reverse-osmosis system
Another option is the reverse-osmosis system which pushes water through a semi-permeable membrane which acts as a filter. This system can remove sulfates, fluoride, perchlorate, heavy metals, industrial chemicals, and other pollutants that carbon filters might miss. Lastly, you can opt for UV home water treatment which disinfects water. Such water treatment will kill any bacteria and viruses in water, but it should be paired with carbon filters because it cannot fully remove chemicals and metals.
Thoroughly research companies
It is in your best interest to find the right water treatment system. That’s why you should rely on reputable companies only. Find the companies and research their history. Look for a firm that has been in your area for at least several years and make sure to avoid fly-by-night operations.
Ask about maintenance
Water treatment equipment can be quite expensive. What’s more, regular maintenance requirements make everything complicated. In order for the system to work properly, you have to fully understand what’s at stake before purchasing the equipment. In some cases, maintenance is simple, but some filters and systems might need some more knowledge and effort. Talk to experts, let them explain your responsibilities and you will have safe drinking water in your home.
There are several things to be considered before choosing the water treatment system, but it’s worth it. The health of your family is at stake, so don’t hesitate; test the water and give it the right treatment as soon as possible.
Lana Hawkins
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I’ve been looking for a good water treatment service, and I think that getting some information would be good. I’m glad you talked about asking about maintenance, and I think that being able to ask about the maintenance for water treatment. I’m going to have to look for a good water treatment service and see what we can do!
I like your tip to find a water treatment company who has been around for a while. My husband and I have noticed that our tap liquid tastes wrong, so we are wondering how to find the best system to help fix it. We will have to start our search for a good water treatment system by first looking for a reputable company.
Not many homeowners would think about it, but I love that your article reminds readers to consult with experts first. After all, depending on where you live and the kind of home you have, you’ll be dealing with different things in the water. By talking with a consultant you can figure out which water treatment service will be the best for where you live.
Someone recently told me that they suspected there may be a problem with their drinking water. It’s great that in this article you discussed the importance of consulting an expert with the results of any laboratory-based water quality tests you run. I appreciate you helping me learn the importance of gaining an expert’s unbiased opinion before deciding which industrial water treatment system may be right for you.
I really like what you said about testing your drinking water as soon as possible. This is something that I am concerned about doing because I have been suspecting radon in my water. It would be wise to get in touch with a professional as soon as possible that can test my drinking water and make sure if there is radon or not before I continue to use it.
My sister moved into her new apartment and she wants to make sure that the water that she will be using is safe. It was explained here that if there’s suspicion with the water, it should be tested right away. Moreover, it’s recommended to have professionals for water treatment.
I was talking to my fiance the other day about his interest in getting water treatment. We want to make sure that we are taking good care of the equipment we may get to do this treatment. It was helpful to read that asking about maintenance is great for keeping these pieces of equipment safe.
Thanks for explaining how to pick a good water treatment system. I didn’t know it could be good to find a reputable company that has several years of experience. I’m interested to learn if you can ask about their experience or how their process has changed with new water treatment innovations.
There are a lot of options to research when choosing a water treatment system for your home. It is particularly helpful that the article goes over several different filters that you can choose from. After all, you will want one that can meet the needs of your family and keep them healthy.
For part of my life, I lived in a town with arsenic in the tap water. Because of that, having a water treatment system was pretty important. I like that you said to research your options with filters. A UV treatment system would not remove arsenic but is good about killing bacteria.