You have amazing listings, but few people get to see them? Would you like to increase the number of your leads, but you feel like you’re doing something wrong? Check out these essential tips and tricks to get your real estate listings to the top!
Never worry about people not seeing your real estate listings again!
Every real estate agent has his/her own secrets to advertising their listings, however, they all have a common ground. Here are the basic rules you have to follow in order to build the real estate career you have always wanted!
- Build an online brand
The key is to keep your business alive, this way people will be looking at your listings frequently! You need to slowly but constantly build your business online. Keep a permanent contact with your audience, give feedback to comments and always answer questions. It is said that this is the shortest route to being the ‘one professional’ people will be thinking of when in need of a real estate agent!
- Be active online
Don’t forget about the importance of having well-managed Social Media accounts – remember you need to be where your audience is, that is to say Facebook, Google+, Twitter or Pinterest! Try to post frequently and engage your viewers to participate in the discussions you initialize. If you manage to do this – then you can be sure you’re one step closer to closing the deals faster and drive essential traffic to your real estate listings. Use high-quality photos to advertise your listings, thus your audience will be tempted to check out more about the property they’re seeing… You can improve your business, you just have to pay attention to the signals your audience gives you.
- Be responsive
Having a responsive web design is undoubtedly a must-have nowadays as everyone uses their phone to access anything from anywhere. Don’t resume only at having a good website that looks amazing on laptop or PC; to gain traffic for your real estate listings, you need a little bit more…
- Create an efficient description
Take your time when writing the descriptions for your listings, because they really matter, they can make the real difference. As some get to say – words have power! Everyone knows this – after looking at the photos, the second aspect potential clients look at are the descriptions.
Therefore, a smart thing to do is to use expressive adjectives such as – ‘gorgeous, amazing, impressive or captivating’ to raise their interest. However, try not to over exaggerate and describe the property as it is!
- Make a limited-time offer
Everyone wants to get a deal, including your clients, therefore, discuss with them the possibility of a limited-time offer. This way you can make sure the property will no longer linger on the web waiting month after month for an interested buyer.
Alright, so it’s not that easy as you’ve thought to efficiently advertise your real estate listings. However, you can manage to increase the number of your leads if you follow some core principles! Today’s market changes by the day, therefore, you should adapt too. Make use of the power Social Media channels can provide, and build your audience every step of the way…
Lisa Ross
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As always very good writing,I like your blog post…
social media is one of the best way to drive traffic to website…
Thanks for sharing…
Thanks Niti for your feedback! I’m glad to hear that…
Lisa, I really liked your article on this important subject!
I am really glad to hear that!
Thanks for the insights-I doubt time bound offers will work as well as perhaps they used to, there is now twice as much stock on the market as there has been for almost 2 years in our area-fear of missing out no longer exists. We are finding buyers will not be rushed and feel under no pressure to make or increase their offers. How quickly the worm has turned!
Thanks for commenting, Ian!
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